Sunday 26 August 2012

Waistcoat 1

Took about 5 weeks of college to finish and I still didn't have enough time to put on buttons but I was pretty happy with it. We also had to do a step by step process of how to make it, I made mine into a book which I will post soon.

Putting everything together over the last two weeks of college was a bit of an ordeal and I didnt get much sleep at all over the last week. This led to a new form of tiredness where I didnt look tired or feel sleepy but instead I was real cranky, stabbed myself with the needle a lot more than usual, and just could not for the life of me concentrate on a conversation for more than a few words. Even the most basic of conversations I had to ask people to repeat what they said a few times before I could line up some sort of answer closely related to what they were talking about. I usually settled for "I don't know" and tried to focus on making my four hands go back to just being two so I could continue stitching. One time I was writing down the mobile number of the teacher from the fashion department and I thought "this is taking forever" and continued on another line cause I thought it was going on too long to possibly fit on one line.

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