Monday 13 August 2012

da da da da da da da, da da da da da,...

Worked my last shift from 2-12 with so few fellow staff it wasnt even funny anymore. I was on hot food and dominated compared to this dope who was on it the day before. Everything went pretty smoothly and in the end I worked a couple more shifts than I was supposed to. I managed not to lose the head at any of the staffing people, got into a load of boxing and came away looking like one of the more reliable workers. There was one last hurdle though: post olympic work drinks Sunday night. I feared that someone would get drunk and have a go at someone from staffing but everyone got on pretty well. Then we left and went around to this hotel.

Apparently people werent getting in cause they didnt have some pass or other so there was about 20 of us outside wondering what to do. They had a big airport security operation to get in to the grounds and had this fence about 12 foot high running along the perimeter. Some of our work mates were on the other side of the fence though wondering why we werent getting in. I decided to make a break for it and with two of my team leads holding a foot each I got a boost onto the fence. In no time I was sitting on the top and then with everyone cheering  and chariots of fire playing in my head I jumped down onto the other side to join those who had gotten in. My celebrations were short lived though as about 8 security guys in green started running towards me. They took me up to security and a guy in a white shirt informed me that the police were on the way and I was to be arrested. Oh right. Ten nervous minutes later someone told me I was free to go. Well thats a relief, being arrested would have looked pretty bad in front of all the managers. Roll on the paralympics.

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