Tuesday 19 June 2012

No sweat

I’m going to a wedding a week after our course finishes and I’d like to have made my own waistcoat to wear to it by then. The one we’re working on now has to be handed in so I need to make another one. Plus the first one is just a standard size 40 so I’d like to make one that fits me perfectly. I saw one on this girls blog that I’d love to try and make myself. Will be a bit of a race against time to get both of them completed and all the rest of my projects in on time but it looks savage compared to normal vests so really want to make one. I drew a picture of it.

I’ve met her a couple of times so figured I’d get the pattern off her and just change it to fit me. But at the same time I don’t really know her and its like a year and a half since I saw her last so it could be a bit awkward.
When I first moved over I was looking for a place and my mate told me she was looking for someone to move in with her and her two fellow cheer leader friends. He told her about me and she said theres someone coming to view it and if they don’t take it then its mine. Imagine, I was just fresh off the boat, got a job sorted in about 3 hours, realised my life long dream when I saw Kournikova playing at Wimbledon a week later, and now I might be moving in with 3 cheerleaders. London was looking good so far. Unsurprisingly the other guy took the room.
Most shops on Savile Row are a bit daunting when you first walk in. I know a few people in two places and I’ve been into Henry Poole a couple of times now so I’m alright walking in there too but I’d be uncomfortable walking in anywhere else. She happens to work in the most intimidating of the lot.
It was a hot day when I strolled up and knocked on the door calm as you like. Then as the owner came to answer I suddenly thought what the fuck am I doing here, I cant just walk in here and ask some person I barely know for a pattern. It was hot but not so hot that I should be sweating as much as I instantly was. I asked could I go talk to her but then she looked a lot different to what I remember so I awkwardly asked her if she was who I thought she was. She had a look on her face that I thought said I really shouldn’t be in there and I’m going to get her in trouble so then I really started pumping sweat. I got major awkward, started repeating myself, probably mumbled a lot so she couldn’t understand me. She didn’t want to give me the pattern but said she’d be happy to show me how to make it up but in my awkwardness I said not to worry about that, I’d figure it out. Which I wouldn’t cause I didn’t really know where to start. Twice she offered to show me and twice I declined. I really don’t know why. Then I hurried out and headed off. A couple of minutes later it hit me that I should have accepted that help

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