Monday 30 July 2012


Promoted to number 1 on coffee today and dominated it again before getting demoted to wash up to help the kitchen out. Spent about 5 hours washing steel trays with this ridiculously hot Greek girl. For some reason they decided not to supply any steel wool and were totally confused when I asked about it so it was a rough enough job but we worked it pretty well. I'd fit as much trays as possible into the sink to steep, wash, then she rinses in her sink and puts on the shelf. Switch around every now and then, conversation was flowing, I wiped some suds out of her hair with the armpit of my tshirt, she touched my leg-not that bad a job afterall. She has a boyfriend.

We get a 20 minute lunch break but half of it is spent walking to the staff room and back. When you come out of the food area the whole length of the Excel centre is a nice polished floor that wreaks havoc on my gripless black shoes so you're dying more to just sit down for a minute rather than eat the basic lunch. A flapjack for breakfast and a flapjack and a sambo for lunch seems to be the standard.

Few more hours on coffee after lunch and then the team lead was trying to knock a few of us off around half 6. Said I'd stay and finish my shift til 7 but then a rush came and I got stuck til half 10. Around 9 I got sent into the kitchen again cause our replacements on wash up were struggling.
It was these two computer nerd geeky kind of guys but like a lot of todays geeks one of them, the tall guy, was pretty witty. The little guy was just a dweeb. Their system was all wrong. I was put in charge of getting the dirty trays and scrubbing off the excess while the other two washed and rinsed together in a sink each. The little guy didn't even have a stopper in his sink cause the water was too hot for him. So he was trickling cold water onto burnt on stains and trying to rub them off with his finger tips, he wasn't even using the green scowering pads. Big guy wasn't much better. Theyre pretty young I guess. Everyone is to me though, even the team leads, I'm the oldest person in the whole organisation I'd say.

I've worked every shit job imaginable and have washed more trays than times the little guy has played his xbox. So I took over from him and got the big guy on rinse. Little guy was on scrubbing the excess and boy did he milk it. He just doesn't understand the benefits of steeping, probably didn't know what I was saying cause they say soak more so over here, Greek girl tells me. In no time we were flying through it, big guy kept saying things like you're like Batman, no one has ever done this before. One time I dumped a load of trays in the sink and a load of gunk splashed up and onto the little guys glasses. He said fuck my life. That made my day.

Cycled home and was too knackered to make anything so had some of my housemate Ray's pasta with peas, carrots and sweetcorn mixed with baked beans as a sauce. It was vile. Had it with toast and went to bed, up in 7 hours. Fuck my life.

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