Thursday 30 May 2013

The pied piper

what ever happened to the man in the basement I hear you say.

Well when we first moved in there were a couple of mice making noise from time to time but shortly after we were all settled they disappeared and we were mice free for the rest of the year. Then the landlord sold the house and we all had a month to leave. The man in the basement up and left after 2 weeks. Well he must have been feeding them pretty well cause as soon as he went we were infested. They'd be up on the counter right in front of you not giving a fuck who knew about it cause they were just so used to sharing with people by that stage. One time they ate through a foil packet of crisps, but the funniest happened to the Polish guy in the house. He bought himself a nice big loaf of Polish bread one day and left it on the counter. When he went to eat it though he found that a mouse had eaten a tunnel deep into the bread then made a U-turn and exited next to where he went in. We went down for a tour of the basement and it was so rank and filled with jars and cartons that the Polish guy had to run up the stairs, out the back and dry retch. Lovely.

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