Wednesday 14 August 2013

Still pigeon holed after all these years

well, just got some great news today that the bank of insert dodgy country name here want to interview me for a long term temporary (previously thought of as a paradox but I became that in my last dodgy bank) loans administrator role. Still pigeon holed to the max after all these years.


Travelled over an hour each way for a 7 minute interview. The guy was sound but the two women were old fat and ugly, and looked terribly unhappy. They didnt probe me and just talked about how snowed under they are and the work just keeps coming and coming. really made it sound like a great place to work altogether, that would really be a dream come through for me. But alas I am completely broke and if offered I would have to take it for a bit, starts next week. I'm going through the toughest of times since I've been to london, all my money is tied up in extra work. But I'm still waiting to hear back from the dream tailoring job and in the mean time and during the internship part I could do extra work. But they take months to pay so I'd be tight for cash at times. Watched the office last night and tim was telling dawn its better to be at the bottom of a ladder that you want to climb that half way up one you dont. dont want to get stuck in a bank and lose tailoring, times are tough indeed.


in a funny turn of events I got a call from another agency today talking about a loans admin job that sounded very familiar, and I started to get my hopes up but turns out its for the same bank again. They must have some flag that pops up saying I worked for a dodgy bank before, unbelievable.


A few years ago while I was in the bank I used to get pissed that my agency would never put me forward for any decent jobs, and every time I got a call about a new job it was always the same shit role for another dodgy bank. One of the lads thought it very funny and made a video about my life at that time. It still rings true today.

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