Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Almost famous 2


Saturday morning, further out than where we were the last day. It was the weekend in January before the weekend it snowed so it was freezing. My one day of filming but it’s a night scene so we don’t start shooting til 5pm. About 70 of us sitting on benches waiting around.

Some guy who looks like he’s in charge:
If you could all look at your sheet and start thinking about your character. If you are smart you might start thinking what it was like, what was my character like.

All it said on most sheets was ‘fairgoer,’ how can you become a method extra based on just that snippet of information?

This is a very important scene in the film, it’s the opening scene: a night scene set at a fairground in the summer, and you see Judy’s character 19 years old and she meets a young guy and they end up well, getting together. And this sets in motion what happens for the rest of the story. Em, if everyone with a green tick on their sheet could you come up and get breakfast first and then everyone else follow after.

I knew from the start that that green tick meant something, I fucking knew it.

I could feel the envy burning into my back as I collected my sausage and eggs with 7 others: 3 other guys and 4 girls, all very young looking. Then it clicked: because I thought I was going to be in a movie with the Fastbender I put down on my profile that I would do nude scenes to get more roles. I had also put down that I could play anything between 18 and 22. It all made sense: there are probably not a lot of Irish teenagers in London and I was the youngest looking they could find. I look 19 but I have that maturity you only get with age that they’ve obviously singled out as something they need for this production, and now here I am nailing the part for the most important scene in the film. Ha ha ha! I can see it now, John has 4 mates, Philiomena has 4 mates and we’re all egging them on to do the dirty. My face will be there front and centre and a little to the left pointing at her, go on John, shift her bye. Fuck, I should have gotten into acting before.

I sat down with my breakfast next to a group of older guys in their 50’s and 60’s. One guy was doing all the talking and every now and then he’d sing “pleased to meet you, hope you catch my name.” He was talking at length about different accents, apparently he studied them.

Accent guy: (to one of the old guys, speaking very fast and very enthusiastically)
I like all the accents: Jamaican, Welsh. You’re from Liverpool are you? Liverpool is a very tiring accent to listen to but you have a great speaking voice, in Dublin they say ‘turn’ like this but in Liverpool they say ‘turn.’ See, you’ve dropped a tone. Have you had elocution lessons? You must have…….Are you religious? I’m a huge Elvis fan man, there’s only one God in my life and that’s Elvis Presley. The King. Oh yeah, I’ve seen people crippled, in wheelchairs, and getting up out of their chair to touch the man, that’s a real miracle. I’ve seen him twice you know. Down in Memphis I was on a bus and this black guy got up and said “what’s the name of that song: caught in a trap?” and then we all started singing: “we can’t go on together, do do do do do,” it was great fun. I went to his grave and I broke down and I cried and cried. I cried like a baby. I was at one of his concerts and I reached up and touched him and he gave me his scarf, I got beaten up for that scarf but I pushed it down way down and ran to the back. At the end he said “hey, where did that little guy go who I gave the scarf to?” He wanted to know if I was OK but I just got out of there as fast as I could. Pleased to meet you, aw yeah.

Then the 8 of us got called into costume first. There was a red haired chap, early 20’s from the whest of Ireland, and two 18 year old English lads: one had an Irish name but the other was as English as can be. 2 of the girls were dizzy 16 year olds, the other 2 were 18. They all had Irish first or second names but that’s as Irish as they got. Only myself and the red head were Irish. If there’s a line going surely I’ve a 50% chance of getting it now. “Go on John, shift her!” The costumes looked really well, us four lads could have been a 1950’s boy band: Ed Sheeran’s granddad, Harry Stiles’ granddad, and two other ones.  They kitted me out with this massive over coat to keep me warm in any weather but later on the head costume woman came around and took it off.  I was gutted, and about to be cold.


On a chair in front of a mirror with lights around it getting my hair sprayed and my hands covered in fake dirt

Chinese hair stylist:
You have good hair. You are quite smart aren’t you?

I guess



Ed Sheeran looking guy:
Two free meals and all I’ve done is gotten dressed, sure this is great, apricot crumble and everything.


We got brought down to the set to be shown around, just the 8 stars. It was freezing cold and fairly breezy so we stood in a stall out of the way. Someone came around giving out hand and foot warmers. A couple of people passed cause we’d only been in the cold a few minutes but I got four. When the rest of my body and face are froze to death at least I’ll have warm hands and feet. They were rehearsing and asking for quiet. Steve was banging around braving the cold in just a suit jacket.

I don’t believe it.

You know what he’d love? If you went over and shouted ‘Aw hawww’ in his face, he’d love that. Have you seen Moone boy? Touchy feely, gas

Then came the big break, we were on the way back up to the tent and some assistant director (AD) asked for 2 people to come back for a rehearsal. For some reason I didn’t volunteer


Everyone left for the set but then an AD told the 8 of us to wait in the van. We weren’t needed til later so it was best to stay in the van and keep warm. We were the special ones. One of the 16 year olds was last to get in. She had a smoothie in her hand. Where did she get that? Somehow she managed to trip up in a small mini-van on the way to her seat, and fall and not put her hands out to protect herself. I stretched my left arm out in the direction she was falling but I guess I didn’t put much effort in and all that really happened was her face slapped my hand and pushed it into the seat two seats over from me. She lay there for a bit, not really knowing how to get up. Eventually someone helped her. Then she talked and talked and talked. Never heard so much shite. The red head guy called her a gobshite and asked her if she’s from Pluto.

Some AD opened the door and popped his head in.

AD 3:
I need two couples for the next scene, who wants to do it? Let me see, who would look good together…

I sat there like a rabbit in the headlights as he picked the 4 people nearest to him. Another missed opportunity. The red head was gone. The gobshite was left.

What age are you?


Are you married?

Yeah, 2 kids at home too


Nah I’m only messing


So you have a girlfriend?


Why not?

English guy:
Man you should come out clubbin’ with us innit

Other girl:
Yeah, we’ll get you someone

Too much talking. I went out for a smoothie and a walk. They had this cool chipper van shop hidden away that had smoothies and lollipops and hot drinks and loads of stuff that you felt guilty about not paying for. I stocked up. Eventually I got cold and had to go back to the van and face up to the unbearable conversation for who knows how much longer.

All the working extras came back past the vans and into the tent for a break. Ed got in the van.

Where have you’s been? They’ve been filming for ages and we’ve been walking around in the shot. Not properly in the shot but you know if the background somewhere, you’s should just come down and get in. We’ve a break for 5 minutes then I’m heading back.

It was almost 9. Surely we were going to get called down for the big scene soon. We hung on a while longer then enough was enough. I couldn’t stand listening to conversations about school and homework and boys any longer. Me and dopey drawers marched down to the set.


Had a little look but they were filming so went to a tent behind the set where someone was handing out curry in a cup. Would be rude not to. The Elvis fan was there burning the ear off someone

Accent guy:
...yeah I met The Who loads of times man...

I went back and forth to the edge of the set a couple of times grabbing food and drinks off the people handing them out whenever I could. How can actors concentrate on acting for take after take with all the stop start messing going on and tons of extras hanging around slack-jawed munching on food in the background? I could imagine them filming the 17 minute scene in Hunger when The Fastbender is talking to the priest and then some dopey drawers extra tries to get a look in behind the camera and trips over and ruins the scene 16 minutes in. The Fastbender would jump up and dick-slap the guy in the face.


The scene ended. Mary was there. I went over to chat to her and then some AD came over and told us we were to walk arm in arm over to the ring toss for the next shot. Wait a minute, are you sure I’m meant to be in this scene with Mary cause if they see me walking with her now and then I’m with one of Philiomenas friends later it won’t look right. I’m one of John’s friends you know.

I’m a hussey, I was just holdin’ hands with another guy by the fish bowls in the last scene

I shouldn’t even be in this scene, I’m John’s friend, you know

We walk over to the ring toss. Greet stall holder. Hand over imaginary money. Smile. Pick up rings. End of scene. Put down rings. Unlink arms. Walk back over to beginning spot.

Director: (voice from somewhere)
One more!

All the assistant directors:

I was deflated. I shouldn’t be in the background like this, I was destined for the foreground. I felt like shouting. Why isn’t anyone making a fuss about me? I’m John’s friend! John’s friend!! Wait a minute, was that a Pakistani guy wearing a sombrero in the stall next to the ring toss? What the fuck is going on here, it’s meant to be Ireland in the 50’s,  I need to talk to the director.


Suddenly everyone had descended on where we were standing behind the carousel. There was a camera crew to our left in the direction of the ring toss. And there was another one on our right that would pan across from the right side of the carousel towards us. Behind them were a couple of screens playing each take with the director, first AD, and a load of randomers looking on. They did a few rehearsals. The main couple were to walk from the house of mirrors at the far side of the carousel along the left side to the exact spot where we were starting from. That was the scene, a 20 yard walk. It was one person’s job to take big warm jackets off the couple at the start and then run around and put them back on them when they got to the end point. Meanwhile me and Mary had to pass the camera just when the carousel was in the way of the couple to fill the space and then disappear out of shot. Pretty much just the right side of my head will be on screen. Of course we had to mime to each other as we passed the camera and pretend we’re a couple and all. We had one AD all to ourselves telling us what to do. He’d hold the back of my jacket until the right moment and then let go and I’d have to walk by the camera while he got out of the shot. No one told us what to do once we got past the carousel though so we’d wander around aimlessly til we heard cut.


John: (in a bog accent)
I like your dress, did you make it yourself?

Philiomena: (definitely not in an Irish accent)
No, my mother did, she also told me not to talk to strange men.

Our AD: (whispering)
Hold on...hold on...ok now go!

He pushed me off, I pushed Mary off and we walked by the camera. Shit, better think of something to mime

Me: (miming)
Hey, eh look at that, you want to eh….

Sure look at your man over there; he’s a rope for a belt

Cut, one more


Our AD:
Ok this time maybe go a little slower and Mary you need to go in front of him a bit or we can’t see you on the screen. So you have to be turning back and looking at him. And smile more, you’re a couple, are you’s a couple in real life?

Mary: (deadpan)

Our AD:
Well then it should be easy, OK let’s do it again


We did it again, I tried smiling a bit more, same mumbly nothing mime again though. But it was more than Mary did, she wasn’t miming a word. And she a trained actress.

Cut, one more

Our AD:
OK, we aren’t getting any chemistry from you. You aren’t really miming; you need to really look like you’re having a conversation. And look like you’re in love. When the camera comes across here you two are taking up the shot just before we see John and Philiomena. We see one love story and then it leads on to the other couple over there, so we need a bit more from you guys.


Our AD: (whispering)
And go

Me: (miming, in John’s accent)
I like your dress, did you make it yourself?

Shit I can’t use John’s lines. If this makes the cut you’ll hear John saying it and then see my dopey head taking up the whole screen miming the same words straight after.


Me: (miming, in John’s accent)
Sure look at your man over there, he’s a rope for a belt

I just kept doing it, I couldn’t think of anything else to say. Then it came to me. There’s a girl in my class from close enough to Limerick. One time in class I said something to her and she said “don’t hate the player, hate the game” in her little culchie accent and then I impersonated her and we had a right laugh so we did.


Me: (in a shit girls Limerick accent)
Don’t hate the player, hate the game

The more I did this the more I’d laugh internally and smile externally and then Mary would turn her head back to me and flash a smile and I’d be pulling on her arm playfully telling her about player hating. It would look like I really know how to make her laugh and this would make me smile more. Then she’d smile more. Young love. This is believable. Are you getting this?

Cut, one more

Our AD:
Perfect, just keep doing it, it looks great on the screen

Hey do you know anything about the scene with John’s 4 friends and Philiomena’s 4 friends?

Our AD:

What are you miming?

Don’t hate the player, hate the game. It’s the only thing in a Limerick accent I can think of.

Mary: (looking behind me towards the tinkers yard)
Well there’s a horse out there


Me: (miming)
Fuck your Honda Civic, I’ve a horse outside

Mary: (miming)
Oh is that your horse? Nice

I tried this a couple of times but didn’t like it so resorted back to player hating. We had a tea break and then for the last few shots they had the camera on a little train track. It cut right along the corner of the carousel though so we couldn’t get past. There was a couple of people who walked behind us and all four of us would pile up in a corner between the train track and the carousel after we passed the camera. We’d all just stand there looking straight ahead, afraid to turn around and ruin the shot. Finally we did do one last take and I was talking about player hating during it. If I make the cut, that’s what I should be miming if my mouth is in view. What will definitely be in view though are my super short Limerick side burns. How did the hair and make-up lady know?


Between takes Mary started to complain about the cold. I had trousers, cycling trousers, big boots and a couple of pairs of socks on but all the girls had were a skirt, a pair of tights and a crappy pair of shoes that left a lot of the foot bare. Too small for foot warmers, too cold for no foot warmers. And they were freezing. She was one of these people who can’t do angry though and just sat there and sucked it up instead of telling someone who could do something about it. I cant for the life of me understand why she sat and watched every single take she wasn't in though, I was off every 5 minutes getting something to eat or drink, going back to the van to sit down or huddling up in the tent. Apart from getting foot cramp from all the pocket warmers I had stuffed in my boots the only real problem I had was my ears which I pressed hand warmers against when I could. She just sat out there in the elements, tempting the night to come and take her away.


That’s the kind of strange man your mother told you about

I wouldn’t mind a bite of his toffee apple

Hey Declan


You want this?


I’ll swap ya

While this conversation is happening I just finish up a shooting gallery game, put down the gun and turn to rejoin Mary. How I’m finishing a game when we were literally just walking arm in arm past the couple 2 seconds ago I don’t know. And who the hell is that girl Mary is talking to all of a sudden? I don’t know her. She just appeared out of nowhere, the continuity is all off. Cut, cut, its all wrong, get rid of her and let us continue walking to the hall of mirrors.

I couldn’t be arsed with proper miming anymore. I did my award winning bit in the last scene, I don’t think I’m even in shot anymore, no matter how hard I try. The 3 of us all just did a lot of pointing, smiling and nodding. It’s such a struggle to try and look like you’re having a real conversation. I really notice extras on screen since that day. Next time you watch the episode of Father Ted where they go to the mainland and Mrs Doyle is in the café fighting with her friend over the bill, check out the old couple in the background. They are just terrible.

From this spot I could see the screen and the replays of the takes. The lead girl was way too hot to be from Limerick in the 50’s. There’s an Irish 1950’s look and there’s a present day Scottish model look. Again I wanted to tell someone but kept quiet, it was probably too late to change her now.


It was around 11pm and there was one more scene to do. About half of the extras got the early bus home including Mary who decided to call it a day before risking hypothermia. The last couple from the mini bus left too without once having been on set, some day they had.

The shot was from the knackers yard where the young couple were about to get it on. I had my doubts that there was going to be room for any friends in the scene and I was right. We were way way off in the background for this one. It was me and some other girl walking from the throw darts at cards stall to the Pakistani in a sombrero stall. Also leaving together from this stall were two loud Dublin lads around my age. One, a northsider, had a bit of a Michael Collins haircut and the other, a southsider, used to go to Marian College. It was late and they were getting a bit giddy and acting the bollox. After a few shots the AD came over and gave us some direction about where we should walk. He turned to the two lads

AD 6:
...and if you guys could just banana around the carousel over to the far side.

After he left the Marian College guy took charge

Marian College guy: (taking the piss)
Yeah and then you pineapple over this way

He had his hands out to the side, knees bent and was jumping forward two footed

And then papaya to the side like this

More crab movements. I lost it. The day was too long and I was too tired and too cold. The papaya bit just pushed me over the edge. I was becoming hysterical.

We pineappled back and forth to the Pakistani in a sombrero stall for a few practice shots. Just before the stall we would pass by the two simple girls with big dopey smiley heads on them, walking in completely straight lines turning on a dime like some retarded sped up robots. Then someone shouted for all of us to take off our jackets for the real shots. Any last bit of enthusiasm I had suddenly died.

The Marian guy wasn’t happy either and was making some weird noise with the back of his throat

Marian guy:
Niiiii, niiiii, you just can’t be this cold for this long without repercussions, niiiii, niiiiii, I definitely have some man flu coming my way tomorrow

Some AD tried to pick our spirits up

AD 7:
Remember ladies and gents you’re still having a good time at the fair.

I tried for one last push to smile and pretend to talk to the girl on my arm.

That’s the magic of movies, look like you’re having fun


Finally we wrapped it up just after 1am, got changed, got our pay slips and got in the van. We made over 200 quid for standing around all day eating and drinking and having a bit of craic. Slightly pissed that I probably won’t be hearing from Hollywood anytime soon but otherwise can’t complain. I was first of our group in the van so headed for the back seat but there was someone already there asleep so I took the seat in front of them. After a few more people got in I took my jacket off and accidentally hit the knee of the person asleep behind me

Sleeper: (sleepily)
ugh... what time is it?

It was Mary

Michael Collins guy:
Around 1, what are you still doing here?

Ah feck sake, what happened?

She was angry but you wouldn’t know

Michael Collins:
Did you not leave with the others?”

I was with them waiting for the bus, I thought we all left together. I don’t know how this happened, I’m so depressed, I should be home by now.

Shit one. Here how much did you get?

About £160, what did you’s get?

Yeah something like that

That better have been one good sleep.

We drove through Piccadilly and from the warmth of the van wondered why the girls in short skirts outside Tiger Tiger would purposely do that to themselves.

MC: (reflective)
I’m glad I didn’t go out tonight. This was better than a night out, I made money instead of spending money, and on a night out you only get to do things once whereas I got to do everything 15 times, it was great



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